Click here to download a .pdf version of the Wales Baltic Society’s constitution.
The full text of the constitution reads:
1. Name
The organisation hitherto known as the Cardiff Baltic Society, founded on 28 April 1992, shall henceforth be known as the Wales Baltic Society. It is referred to in this Constitution as “the Society”.
2. Objects
- To promote friendly links between the people of Wales and the people of the Baltic countries.
- To support the continuing independence of the Baltic States.
- To increase awareness about the Baltic countries, through research, education and publicity.
3. Independence
The Society will not affiliate to or make any payment to any political party or religious body. It will not associate with any one such party or body to the exclusion of others. This is not intended to stop the Society cooperating with any person or organisation which shares its objects, nor to prevent affiliation or payments to organisations other than political parties or religious bodies.
4. Membership and Affiliation
- There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, sex, race, colour, ethnic origin, religion, political allegiance, sexual orientation or disability.
- Membership shall be open to any person who is committed to the objects and accepts the rules of the Society and who does not by their behaviour bring the Society into disrepute.
- Affiliation shall be open to organisations on the same basis. An organisation shall only have one vote, no matter how many delegates it sends to a meeting. An individual at a meeting shall not have more than one vote, no matter how many organisations s/he represents.
- A subscription (once-off and/or regular) may be required. Different levels of subscription may be set, by a simple majority at a general meeting, for different groups e.g. different levels for:
- individuals, as against organisations
- fully-waged, against unwaged persons
- different sizes/ types of organisation.
5. Accounts
A Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and Expenditure shall be drawn up as at 31st December each year, audited by one/two internal auditors and, a copy sent to every member.
6. Money
- No member of the Society will receive any payment from the Society’s funds except by way of reimbursement of reasonable expenses for which a written expenses claim has been submitted. Wherever possible such expenses shall be documented by receipts.
- All receipts will be banked. All payments will be by cheque (opened if necessary).
- There will be four authorised signatories for any account opened by the Society, and any cheque will need the signatures of two of them.
- If any payment other than reimbursement of reasonable expenses is received in connection with a member acting on behalf of the Society, for example for television appearances as a spokesperson of the Society, then this payment will accrue to the Society and not to the individual.
- Any substantial payment (over an amount to be fixed by general meetings from time to time) should be explicitly approved by, or in exceptional circumstances, reported to a meeting.
7. Assets
In the event of the Society winding up, any remaining assets shall be paid to non-profit-making organisations in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and (or) Wales whose objectives are compatible with those of the Society.
8. Copies of the Constitution
Members of the Society have a right to a copy of the constitution on demand.
9. Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year to which every member of the Society and every affiliated organisation shall be invited. Not more than 13 months shall elapse between Annual General Meetings. Every member present shall have one vote. (For affiliated organisations see 4.3 above). In the case of an equality of vote, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. The Agenda of such Annual General Meeting shall include the following items:
- To receive a statement of accounts for the preceding financial year.
- To receive a report on the work of the Society during the preceding year.
- To elect the four authorised signatories: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary; occasional vacancies in these offices to be filled by election in general meetings.
- To elect 1/2 internal Auditors.
- To elect any other officers as may from time to time be agreed. These offices may be filled when necessary by co-option by the four authorised signatories.
- To decide on any propositions or matter and to transact such other business as may be included in the agenda circulated in advance. The member responsible for drawing up and circulating the agenda will include any motions from members submitted in writing to him/her not less than 14 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Emergency motions not on the agenda may only be discussed with the consent of the meeting.
- Newly-elected officers shall take over after the end of the A.G.M.
Amended on 14th March 2005 and signed A. Taurins Chairman WBS.
Amended on 5th March 2017 at AGM (paragraph 7).